im & Pat have been pastors for over 30 years. In June 2019 they planted Magnetic Church, Tarrawanna, which
They have been married for 53 years and have 2 adult married children and 1 grandchild.
Jim and Pat have had many years of personal ministry to people through bringing healing and wholeness ...
is affiliated with Christian Revival Churches International.
Our heart’s desire is to see every Christian equipped and living their God given destiny.
We believe the living Word of God brings transformation to people’s lives so they can fulfil their potential. We impart only what we have first gained in victory for ourselves so we are able to move in a greater level of authority and impartation of God’s truth, love and freedom. We minister the Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We have developed practical tools to teach the “how to’s” in many areas of ministry within the body of Christ. By building strong foundations this equips people to grow and be empowered in their lives. We have written many manuals and conducted teaching and training sessions especially in developing leaders. 2 Cor 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
Over the last few years the church has developed a growing powerful Women's Ministry, conducting annual Weekend Retreats and hosting Saturday Afternoon events. All women are welcome. 2025 Dates: MAGNETIC WOMEN'S RETREAT AT THE TOPS CONFERENCE CENTRE 30 MAY-1 JUNE. Experience; worship, prayer, prophetic ministry, guest speaker Nicola Gibb, recreational afternoon, Saturday night party. WOMEN'S AFTERNOON SATURDAY 27 SEPTEMBER. For more details please contact us.